Lodha Developers Limited was incorporated as ‘Lodha Developers Private Limited’ on September 25, 1995 in the state of Maharashtra at Mumbai as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956, as amended and converted into public limited company w.e.f March 14, 2018. The name of the company was changed to ‘Macrotech Developers Limited’ on May 24, 2019.
Registered Office: 412, Floor – 4, 17G, Vardhaman Chamber, Cawasji Patel Road, Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.
Corporate Office: Lodha Excelus, L 2, N M Joshi Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400 011.
Phone Number: +91 (22) 6773 7373
Email Id: investor.relations@lodhagroup.com
Grievances redressal officer
Ms. Sanjyot Rangnekar
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Tel No : +91 22 67737373
E-mail: investor.relations@lodhagroup.com
Details of Debenture Trustees
Name: IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd.
Address: Asian Building, Ground Floor, 17 R. Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001. Tel No.: 022-4080 7000
Fax: 022-6631 1776
Email: jatin.bhat@idbitrustee.com
Address: The IL& FS Financial Centre, Plot No. C-22, 7Th Floor, Bandra, Mumbai -40051, Maharashtra, India
Telephone No. : 022 26593535
Fax: 022 26533297
E-mail: Krunal.Shah@vistra.com
Registrars & Share Transfer Agents
Link Intime India Private Limited
C 101, 247 Park, L.B.S.Marg, Vikhroli (West)
Mumbai 400 083
Telephone: +91 22 49186200
Facscimile: +91 22 49186195
Investor Grievance E-mail: rnt.helpdesk@linkintime.co.in
Contact Person: Shanti Gopalkrishnan
Website: www.linkintime.co.in
SEBI Registration No.: INR000004058